domingo, 27 de mayo de 2007

Online Casino Gambling Guide

Sponsored post. is a guide to online casino gambling and is based in Denmark. Of course, there are many reviews for online casinos (over 100, in fact), and the necessary affiliate links for those ready to give the games a try. tries to provide the player with value in the form of tools you can use to understand the games and strategies. Among the offerings there are:
  • Free casino game training programs for blackjack, video poker and roulette, along with a blackjack strategy chart calculator that is customizable to a variety of rule variations.
  • Like many casino sites, there are the training and rules sections, but this website as visualized casino game rule instructions for Texas Hold'Em poker, Omaha Poker, Seven Card Stud Poker, Blackjack, Baccarat, Craps, Roulette and more. This is a great value for those visual-learners among us.
  • A poker section with reviews of 15 online poker rooms and free poker tools such as our poker odds calculator, the visual training tool for Hold ‘em, Omaha, and Stud, and a tool that teaches Passive/Agressive playing strategy.
  • A daily updated gambling news section.
  • Links to more than 100 free flash casino games.
  • Bonus guides to a variety of online casinos.
  • A download for a piece of software called “Holdem Helper”. I did not try the software, but it appeared to be one of those programs that runs on your PC and guides your decision-making.
My opinion: is a well-planned site that provides value to the player, and if you have an interest in trying a wide variety of online casino games, this is a good place to start.

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viernes, 25 de mayo de 2007

Casino Gambling is Rigged

Scheme netted $3.3 million (U.S.) from the American casinos:

Fifteen people have been arrested in a major casino scam that netted more than $2 million from cheating at baccarat in Ontario.

Among those arrested were several employees of Casino Rama near Orillia.

It's alleged that casino dealers were recruited to predetermine the outcome of card games, but police wouldn't reveal details of how the scam was carried out...

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miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007

Arnold Schwarzeneggar: I've seen all of her movies.

Funny - Arnold is on Jay Leno tonight, and Jay asked him about pardoning Paris Hilton. Arnold's reply:
"I hear she isn't a fan of mine. She hasn't seen any of my movies. On the other hand, I've seen all of her movies."
Wonder how many PR flacks it took to come up with that one? ;-)

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martes, 15 de mayo de 2007

A prize for tomorrow's Mookie Bubble-Boy

I've received a couple copies of Anthony Holden's "Bigger Game", the sequel to his poker classic "Big Game", and for which I'll be doing a book review (Here's a preview: It's good). The extra copies were to give away as a promotion, so I'd like to offer the first copy to whomever is the bubble-boy/girl in tomorrow's Mookie.

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viernes, 11 de mayo de 2007

Been a while...

About 5 weeks since I last won anything, hell, even cashed in anything with more than 9 players. Just a $1 45SNG, but I don't care, it was good practice.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2007

Need non-poker internet scam advice

My father-in-law was doing geneology research this evening and was scanning a webpage (he didn't remember the URL). When he got to the bottom of the page, there was a message that told him his exact name and demanded $20 to tell him how they got his name and were putting the message on that page.

I received an e-mail earlier this week that was similar - we've infected your machine with a virus and we'll tell you how to remove it for $20. Obviously, i wasn't worried about that.

I'm sure his personal data hasn't been compromised because it sounds like they were trying to get him to give up a credit card number - if they already had the CC number, why demand payment, right? Anyway, I was hoping someone could explain to me how they were able to target him so specifically, by name? I want to be able to explain it to him so he'll stop worrying.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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lunes, 30 de abril de 2007

Sen. Jon Kyl has change of heart; now shills for online casinos

The PPA pointed me to Sen. Jon Kyl's article in the National Ledger so-not-cleverly-titled, "Online Gambling: Will New Law Be Repealed - Don't Bet On It".

I was shocked - SHOCKED! - to find that Sen. Kyl now supports online gambling.

What? You don't believe me?

Here's your proof ---------->

That's right, people, there are contextual links to online gambling websites in Sen. Kyl's article!

Oh, don't pay attention to what he wrote! It's all wink-wink, "Don't gamble, click these links, don't gamble". Every good blogger knows the art of link-baiting, and knows that the best way to get people to click those ads is to stir up controversy.

I do believe the good Sen. Kyl is a master-baiter.

I don't know if they rotate among advertisers, but right now Golden Casino has the first link to online gambling. Figures the guys that paid $13k for a grilled-cheese sandwich could figure out a way to corrupt the good senator. has the second link to 'Internet Gambling', has the third link to 'online poker', and something called rounds out the shilling with 'poker players'.

I'd link to them myself, but if they're paying National Ledger (any chance Sen. Kyl was compensated for this article? Hmmm?) they can pay me too. So there.

Oh, last but not least, the obligatory Google Adsense links:

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